Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The goal of Children's Ministry at RBC is to teach children about God, His attributes and God's people.
We do so through scripture reading, song, crafts and activities.
Sunday Children's Classes
9:30 AM
Nursery [Ages 3 & Younger]
Sunday School  [Grades Pre-5]

11:00 AM
Nursery [Ages 3 & Younger]
Children's Church [Grades Pre-3]
Wednesday Children's Classes
7:00 PM
Nursery [Ages 3 & Younger]
Awana: Sparks [Grades Pre-2]
Awana: T & T [Grades 3-5]
Want to learn more about 
Children's Ministries at RBC?
Contact: Jackson Rexine
RBC Children's Pastor
[email protected]